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Things That Go Bump In The Night Quote

Things That Go Bump In The Night Quote

Have you ever heard the phrase "things that go bump in the night"? It's a popular quote that has been used in various forms of media, from books to movies. It's a phrase that can evoke fear, uncertainty and unease in people. But where did this quote come from? And what does it really mean? In this article, we'll explore the origins of the "things that go bump in the night" quote and its various interpretations.

The Origins of the Quote

Origins Of Things That Go Bump In The Night Quote

The origins of the quote "things that go bump in the night" are actually quite difficult to trace. It's a phrase that has been used in various forms for centuries, and it's likely that it has multiple origins. Some historians believe that the phrase originates from the sound of things hitting against each other in the dark, such as furniture or household items. Others believe that the phrase comes from the idea of ghosts or other supernatural beings moving around in the night.

Regardless of its origins, the phrase has become a popular cultural reference, often used to describe anything that is mysterious, unexplainable, or just plain scary.

The Interpretations of the Quote

Interpretations Of Things That Go Bump In The Night Quote

The phrase "things that go bump in the night" has been interpreted in many different ways over the years. Some people interpret it literally, as the sound of objects hitting against each other in the dark. Others interpret it as a metaphor for the unknown or the unpredictable. Still others interpret it as a reference to supernatural beings, such as ghosts or monsters.

One popular interpretation of the phrase is that it refers to the fear of the unknown. Many people are afraid of what they can't see or explain, and the phrase "things that go bump in the night" can be used to describe this fear. It's a way of acknowledging that there are things in the world that we don't understand, and that can be scary.

Using the Quote in Popular Culture

Using Things That Go Bump In The Night Quote In Popular Culture

The phrase "things that go bump in the night" has been used in many different forms of media over the years, from literature to film to television. It's a popular way to create suspense and tension, and it's often used in horror stories or thrillers.

One of the most famous uses of the phrase is in the poem "The Listeners" by Walter de la Mare. The poem tells the story of a traveler who comes across a house in the woods, where he hears strange noises coming from inside. The poem ends with the famous lines: "But only a host of phantom listeners / That dwelt in the lone house then / Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight / To that voice from the world of men: / Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair, / That goes down to the empty hall, / Hearkening in an air stirred and shaken / By the lonely Traveler's call."

The phrase has also been used in various movies and TV shows, such as the popular horror film "The Babadook" and the TV series "Supernatural."

The Meaning of the Quote Today

Meaning Of Things That Go Bump In The Night Quote Today

Today, the phrase "things that go bump in the night" is still a popular cultural reference. It's often used to describe anything that is mysterious or unexplainable, whether it's a strange noise in the dark or a feeling of unease in a particular place.

But the quote also has deeper meanings. It's a way of acknowledging that there are things in the world that we don't understand, and that can be scary. It's a reminder that we should always be open to new experiences and ideas, even if they seem strange or unfamiliar.


The phrase "things that go bump in the night" is a popular cultural reference that has been used in various forms for centuries. It's a way of describing anything that is mysterious or unexplainable, and it's often used to create suspense and tension in books, movies, and TV shows.

But the quote also has deeper meanings. It's a reminder that there are things in the world that we don't understand, and that can be scary. It's a call to be open to new experiences and ideas, even if they seem strange or unfamiliar.

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