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They Came They Saw They Conquered Quote

They Came They Saw They Conquered Quote

“They came, they saw, they conquered” is a famous quote that has been used for centuries. The phrase is generally used to describe a situation where a group of people or an individual comes to a new place, sees what needs to be done, and then accomplishes their goals. It is often used to describe military campaigns, but it can also be applied to any situation where someone or a group of people achieve success.

The Origin of the Phrase

Origin Of They Came They Saw They Conquered Quote

The phrase “they came, they saw, they conquered” is most commonly associated with Julius Caesar, the famous Roman emperor. According to historical accounts, Caesar used the phrase in a letter to the Roman Senate after he had won a battle against Pharnaces II of Pontus in 47 BC. The letter simply stated “veni, vidi, vici” which translates to “I came, I saw, I conquered” in Latin. The phrase has since been adapted and translated into many different languages, including English.

Usage of the Quote

Usage Of They Came They Saw They Conquered Quote

The phrase “they came, they saw, they conquered” has been used in various contexts throughout history. It has been used to describe military campaigns, sports victories, business successes, and personal achievements. The quote is often used to convey a sense of awe and admiration for those who achieve great things.

For example, the phrase was used to describe the success of the United States in the Gulf War in 1991. The phrase was also used to describe the success of the New York Yankees in the 1999 baseball season.

The Meaning of the Quote

Meaning Of They Came They Saw They Conquered Quote

The phrase “they came, they saw, they conquered” has a very simple meaning. It means that a group of people or an individual arrived at a new place, assessed the situation, and then achieved their goals. The quote implies that the people involved were confident, decisive, and effective in their actions.

It is important to note that the quote does not necessarily imply that the actions taken were ethical, moral, or just. The quote simply describes the process of arriving, assessing, and achieving goals.

Use in Popular Culture

Use In Popular Culture They Came They Saw They Conquered Quote

The phrase “they came, they saw, they conquered” has been used in various forms of popular culture. It has been used in movies, music, and literature. For example, the phrase was used in the 1963 film “Cleopatra” starring Elizabeth Taylor. The phrase was also used in the song “Veni Vidi Vici” by Madonna in 2015.


The phrase “they came, they saw, they conquered” is a famous quote that has been used for centuries. It is most commonly associated with Julius Caesar, but it has been adapted and translated into many different languages. The quote is often used to describe military campaigns, sports victories, business successes, and personal achievements. The quote implies that the people involved were confident, decisive, and effective in their actions.

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