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Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick Quote

Speak Softly But Carry A Big Stick Quote

“Speak softly but carry a big stick” is a famous quote attributed to former US President Theodore Roosevelt. The quote is often used to convey the idea of being calm and peaceful, but also having the ability to use force when necessary. Roosevelt used the quote to describe his approach to foreign policy, but it has since been used in many contexts to describe a variety of different situations.

The Meaning Behind the Quote

The Meaning Behind The Quote

The phrase “speak softly but carry a big stick” means that one should use diplomacy and peaceful negotiation whenever possible, but also have the strength and power to back up their words if necessary. It's a strategy that emphasizes the importance of being prepared and having the ability to defend oneself, while still maintaining a calm and rational demeanor.

Roosevelt first used the phrase in a speech he gave in 1901, in which he discussed the need for the United States to be prepared for any potential international conflicts. He believed that by demonstrating strength and power, the US could effectively negotiate with other countries and avoid war.

The Use of the Quote Today

The Use Of The Quote Today

The “speak softly but carry a big stick” quote is still widely used today to describe a variety of situations. It's often used in business to describe the importance of being prepared and having the ability to back up one's words with action. It's also used in personal relationships to describe the importance of being calm and rational, even in heated situations.

The quote is also used in politics to describe the importance of having a strong military and being prepared for potential conflicts. It's often used to argue for increased military spending and to justify the use of military force in certain situations.

Criticisms of the Quote

Criticisms Of The Quote

While the “speak softly but carry a big stick” quote has been widely praised for its emphasis on diplomacy and peaceful negotiation, it has also been criticized for its emphasis on military strength. Some argue that the quote promotes a culture of violence and aggression, and that it has been used to justify unnecessary military interventions.

Others argue that the quote is outdated and no longer relevant in today's world. They argue that in the modern era, diplomacy and negotiation should be the primary tools for resolving conflicts, and that military force should only be used as a last resort.


The “speak softly but carry a big stick” quote remains a popular and widely used phrase today, more than a century after it was first coined by President Theodore Roosevelt. While it has been praised for its emphasis on diplomacy and peaceful negotiation, it has also been criticized for its emphasis on military strength. Regardless of one's opinion of the quote, it remains an important part of American history and an enduring symbol of strength and power.

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