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Quote Build It And They Will Come

Build It And They Will Come

Have you ever heard the phrase "Build it and they will come"? This quote is often used in various contexts, but originally it comes from the movie "Field of Dreams". The movie is about a farmer who hears a voice telling him to build a baseball field in his cornfield. The farmer does what he is told, and soon the ghosts of former baseball players come to play on his field.

What does the quote mean?

Meaning Of Build It And They Will Come

The quote "Build it and they will come" means that if you create something great, people will naturally be drawn to it. This quote is often used in business contexts, where it means that if you create a great product or service, customers will come to you without you having to do any marketing or advertising.

However, this quote is not always accurate. Just because you build something does not mean that people will automatically come to it. You still need to promote your product or service and make people aware of it.

Examples of "Build it and they will come"

Examples Of Build It And They Will Come

Here are some examples of "Build it and they will come" in various contexts:

  • A restaurant owner opens a new restaurant in a popular area, thinking that people will naturally come to it. However, the restaurant does not do well because the owner did not promote it or have a unique selling point.
  • A tech startup creates a new app that they think will be huge, but they do not do any marketing or user testing. The app fails because no one knows about it.
  • An artist creates a new piece of art and puts it up for sale on their website, but they do not promote it on social media or other channels. The art does not sell because no one knows about it.

How to make "Build it and they will come" work for you

How To Make Build It And They Will Come Work For You

If you want to make "Build it and they will come" work for you, here are some tips:

  • Have a unique selling point - what makes your product or service different from others?
  • Promote your product or service on social media and other channels to reach a wider audience.
  • Do user testing and research to make sure that your product or service meets the needs of your target audience.
  • Provide excellent customer service - this will help you retain customers and get positive word-of-mouth.


"Build it and they will come" is a powerful quote, but it is not always accurate. If you want to succeed in business or other areas of life, you need to put in the work to promote your product or service and make sure that it meets the needs of your target audience.

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