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If It Looks Like A Duck Quote Meaning


The phrase "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck" is a well-known quote used to describe a situation in which something is almost certainly what it appears to be. This quote is often used to refer to situations where the evidence suggests that something is true or genuine, even if there is no concrete proof.

Origin of the Quote

Origins Of The Duck Quote

The origin of the quote is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated in the United States in the 20th century. The phrase has been attributed to numerous individuals over the years, including James Whitcomb Riley, Walter Winchell, and Richard Cunningham Patterson Jr.

Meaning of the Quote

Meaning Of The Duck Quote

The meaning of the quote is straightforward. If something looks, swims, and quacks like a duck, then it is reasonable to assume that it is a duck. The quote is often used to describe situations where something appears to be one thing, but there is no concrete evidence to support that assumption.

Examples of the Quote in Use

Examples Of The Duck Quote

The quote is commonly used in various contexts, including politics, science, and everyday life. For example, if a politician behaves like a corrupt official, takes bribes, and engages in unethical practices, then it is reasonable to assume that they are corrupt. Similarly, if a scientific theory has been tested repeatedly and has always yielded the same results, it is reasonable to assume that the theory is accurate.

Criticism of the Quote

Criticism Of The Duck Quote

Despite its widespread use, the quote has also faced criticism. Some argue that the quote oversimplifies complex issues and can lead to hasty generalizations. Others argue that the quote can be used to justify prejudice and discrimination. For example, assuming that someone is a criminal based on their race or ethnicity is an example of using the quote inappropriately.


The "If it looks like a duck" quote is a popular saying used to describe situations in which something is almost certainly what it appears to be. While the quote is not without its criticisms, it remains a useful tool for making assumptions based on available evidence.

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