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I Myself Am Made Entirely Of Flaws Quote Meaning

I Myself Am Made Entirely Of Flaws Quote Meaning


The quote "I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions" is a popular saying by Augusten Burroughs. It speaks to the imperfections that make us human and the effort we make to do good despite those flaws. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the quote and how it relates to our lives.

Flaws and Imperfections

The quote acknowledges that we all have flaws and imperfections. No one is perfect, and everyone has something they wish they could change about themselves. It's easy to get caught up in our flaws and let them define us, but this quote reminds us that we are more than our imperfections. Our flaws are a part of us, but they don't have to be all that we are.

Good Intentions

The quote also speaks to the idea that we all have good intentions. We may not always get things right, but we try our best to do the right thing. Our flaws and imperfections may get in the way, but we continue to strive for goodness. This is an important reminder that we should give ourselves grace and recognize the effort we make to do good.

Accepting Ourselves

The quote encourages us to accept ourselves, flaws and all. We should embrace our imperfections and recognize that they make us unique. Instead of focusing on what we don't like about ourselves, we should celebrate our strengths and the things that make us who we are.

Being Human

This quote reminds us that it's okay to be human. We all make mistakes and have things we wish we could change. But that's what makes us human. We should embrace our humanity and recognize that it's a part of what makes us special.


While it's important to accept ourselves, flaws and all, it's also important to strive for self-improvement. We should work on the things that we want to change and become the best version of ourselves. This quote acknowledges that we are works in progress, but it also encourages us to keep striving for better.

Overcoming Obstacles

Our flaws and imperfections can sometimes feel like obstacles in our lives. They may hold us back or make things more difficult. But this quote reminds us that we can overcome those obstacles. We can stitch ourselves together with good intentions and continue to move forward.


Perfectionism is a common struggle for many people. We may feel like we need to be perfect in order to be accepted or successful. But this quote reminds us that perfection isn't necessary. We can be flawed and imperfect and still do great things. We should focus on doing our best instead of trying to be perfect.

Relating to Others

This quote can also help us relate to others. We all have flaws and imperfections, and this quote can remind us to be compassionate and understanding towards others. We should recognize that everyone is doing their best, even if it doesn't always seem like it.


The quote "I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions" is a powerful reminder that we are all imperfect but still capable of doing good. It encourages us to accept ourselves, strive for self-improvement, and be compassionate towards others. By embracing our flaws and recognizing our good intentions, we can become the best versions of ourselves.

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