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Corn Pop Was A Bad Dude Full Quote

Corn Pop Was A Bad Dude

Joe Biden is known for his gaffes and off-the-cuff remarks. One of the most infamous occurred during a speech he gave in 2017, where he recounted a story from his days as a lifeguard at a predominantly African American pool in Wilmington, Delaware. The story involved a confrontation he had with a gang leader named Corn Pop, whom he described as a "bad dude." The full quote goes as follows:

"Corn Pop was a bad dude"

Corn Pop Gang Leader

Biden began his story by explaining that the pool he worked at was located in a predominantly black neighborhood, and that he had gotten to know many of the regulars. He said that one day, Corn Pop, who was the leader of a gang called the Romans, approached him and told him that he didn't like the way he was looking at him. Biden, who was carrying a chain at the time, said that he told Corn Pop that he wasn't looking at him at all, and that he was sorry if he had offended him.

"And he said, 'What do you want to do about it?'

What Do You Want To Do About It

Biden said that Corn Pop then pulled out a straight razor and started to come at him, but that he was able to defuse the situation by telling him that he was a new lifeguard and that he didn't want any trouble. Corn Pop apparently respected this, and the two ended up talking things out and becoming friends.

"I learned a lot"

I Learned A Lot

Biden concluded his story by saying that the incident taught him a lot about race relations and how to handle tough situations. He also said that he had become good friends with Corn Pop over the years, and that he was saddened to hear that he had passed away.

While some have criticized Biden for his use of the term "bad dude" and for his overall handling of the situation, others have praised him for his ability to deescalate a potentially dangerous situation. Regardless of one's opinion on the matter, it's clear that the story has become a memorable part of Biden's legacy.

Meta Description:

Learn about Joe Biden's infamous encounter with a gang leader named Corn Pop, whom he described as a "bad dude." Read the full quote and discover what happened during this confrontation.

Meta Keywords:

Corn Pop, Joe Biden, gang leader, bad dude, straight razor, lifeguard, race relations, Wilmington, Delaware.

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