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Apa Direct Quote In Text Citation Example

Apa Direct Quote In Text Citation Example

When writing a research paper or essay, it's important to properly cite any information that is not your own. This includes direct quotes from sources such as books, articles, and websites. The American Psychological Association (APA) has specific guidelines for citing direct quotes in text.

What is a direct quote?

What Is A Direct Quote?

A direct quote is when you use the exact words from a source in your own writing. This is different from paraphrasing, which is when you rephrase the source's ideas in your own words.

Direct quotes are useful when the source's wording is particularly effective or when you need to convey the exact meaning of what the source said.

How to cite a direct quote in text

How To Cite A Direct Quote In Text

When citing a direct quote in text, you need to include the author's last name, the year of publication, and the page number where the quote appears. This information can be included in parentheses after the quote, or it can be integrated into the sentence itself.

For example:

"According to Smith (2019), 'The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate' (p. 15)."


Smith (2019) argues that "the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate" (p. 15).

Formatting direct quotes

Formatting Direct Quotes

Direct quotes should be formatted differently than the rest of your text. They should be enclosed in quotation marks and indented from the rest of the text.

For example:

"The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate," according to Smith (2019), "and has made it easier to connect with people all over the world" (p. 15).

What to do if the source has multiple authors

What To Do If The Source Has Multiple Authors

If the source you are quoting has multiple authors, you should include all of their last names in your citation. If there are more than two authors, you can use the first author's last name followed by "et al." to indicate that there are additional authors.

For example:

"According to Johnson, Smith, and Lee (2018), 'Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time' (p. 23)."


Johnson et al. (2018) argue that "climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time" (p. 23).



Citing direct quotes in text is an important part of writing a research paper or essay. By following the APA guidelines for citing direct quotes, you can ensure that your writing is accurate and properly sourced.

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