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Apa 7 In Text Citation Direct Quote

Apa 7 In Text Citation

APA (American Psychological Association) style is a format for academic documents such as research papers, journal articles, and dissertations. APA citations provide credit to the sources of information used in a paper, and also give readers a way to locate those sources themselves. The APA 7th edition has several changes to its citation style, including changes to in-text citations for direct quotes. In this article, we will discuss APA 7 in-text citation for direct quotes.

What is APA 7 in-text citation for direct quotes?

Apa 7 In-Text Citation Direct Quote

In-text citations for direct quotes in APA 7 follow the same basic format as in previous editions. The author's last name and the year of publication are listed in parentheses after the direct quote. However, there are some changes to how the page number is included in the citation.

In APA 7, page numbers are included for direct quotes only if the source is paginated. If the source does not have page numbers, such as a website or a non-paginated PDF document, then you should use paragraph numbers instead.

How to format APA 7 in-text citation for direct quotes

How To Format Apa 7 In-Text Citation Direct Quote

When formatting in-text citations for direct quotes in APA 7, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Always include the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses.
  • If the source is paginated, include the page number after the year, preceded by "p." (e.g. (Smith, 2021, p. 42)).
  • If the source is not paginated, use paragraph numbers instead of page numbers (e.g. (Smith, 2021, para. 3)).
  • If the direct quote is 40 words or longer, format it as a block quote and omit the quotation marks. The in-text citation should come after the final punctuation mark of the quote.

Examples of APA 7 in-text citation for direct quotes

Examples Of Apa 7 In-Text Citation Direct Quote

Here are some examples of how to format in-text citations for direct quotes in APA 7:

  • Single author with pagination: (Smith, 2021, p. 42)
  • Two authors with pagination: (Smith & Johnson, 2021, p. 42)
  • Three or more authors with pagination: (Smith et al., 2021, p. 42)
  • Single author without pagination: (Smith, 2021, para. 3)
  • Two authors without pagination: (Smith & Johnson, 2021, para. 3)
  • Three or more authors without pagination: (Smith et al., 2021, para. 3)
  • Block quote with pagination: (Smith, 2021, p. 42)


In conclusion, APA 7 in-text citation for direct quotes is an important aspect of academic writing. It allows readers to locate the original sources of information used in a paper, and gives credit to the authors of those sources. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your in-text citations for direct quotes are formatted correctly in APA 7.

Related video of Apa 7 In Text Citation Direct Quote