I Ll Like You For Always Quote
"I'll like you for always, I'll love you forever, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." This is one of the most famous quotes from the children's book, "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch. The book has become a classic and is loved by parents and children alike. The quote is a reminder of the unconditional love that parents have for their children.
The Story Behind the Quote
Robert Munsch wrote "Love You Forever" after he and his wife had two stillborn babies. The book was originally a song that he would sing to himself to comfort himself. He later turned it into a book and it has since become a best-seller.
The story follows a mother who sings the "I'll like you for always" song to her son as he grows up. The son eventually becomes a grown man and sings the song to his own daughter. The book is a testament to the enduring love between parent and child.
Why the Quote is so Popular
The "I'll like you for always" quote has become popular because it speaks to the heart of what it means to be a parent. It's a reminder that no matter how old your children get, you will always love them. The quote is often used in cards, speeches, and other forms of communication to express love and affection for a child.
The quote has also become popular because of the book's success. "Love You Forever" has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and has been translated into multiple languages. The book has become a staple in many households and has been passed down from generation to generation.
The Impact of the Quote
The "I'll like you for always" quote has had a profound impact on many parents and children. It has become a symbol of the enduring love between parent and child. The quote has been used in speeches, songs, and other forms of media to express love and affection for a child.
The quote has also been used to comfort parents who have lost a child. It's a reminder that even though their child is no longer with them, they will always love them. The quote has become a source of comfort for many grieving parents.
The "I'll like you for always" quote is a beautiful reminder of the love between parent and child. It has become popular because of its use in the book, "Love You Forever". The quote has had a profound impact on many parents and children and has become a symbol of enduring love.